Longing for snow

Talked to my Dad on the phone yesterday – they have snow near Moscow already. We have rain, that’s good too, but snow would be so much better. Even a smell of snow would be wonderful. Since I can’t have that, I thought I would finish a snowy miniature that was lying around for way too long.

miniature - colored pencil on canvas

    4 Replies to “Longing for snow”

    1. That’s so pretty! I want to figure out how to draw snow this year!

    2. Nava Attia- Benoit via Facebook says: Reply

      This is a beautifully sensitive rendering of snow – it delivers that very unique silence. I’m with you on missing snow. Terribly.

    3. Thanks, Katherine. Snow is tricky to me too, especially if it is on furs and pines… I would rather deal with bare branches 🙂

    4. Thank you, Nava. Snow gives me hibi jibis, like any other presumably white subject would do 🙂 Luckily, it’s much more pleasure to draw than most other white things 😀

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