One of my very favorite things to draw after horses are dead trees in different stages of returning back to elements. This one still holds up pretty well, a final testament to how high and wide it managed to reach in its lifetime.
Silent auction for the Oregon City Chamber of Commerce
“Changing Colors” is going to the silent auction at the Oregon City Chamber of Commerce annual celebration night on February 23 at the Pioneer Community Center. The auction is going to help support the Chamber. OCCC is very supportive of arts in the local community, of TRAG where I am a member, and of events that TRAG organizes. It’s a pleasure to help them a little too.
Before the light ~ sketch done with black Faber-Castell PITT and white Gelli Roll pens on Strathmore toned gray paper, 6″ x 4″ [SOLD]
Finished this during last weekend’s Holiday Art Show. It’s my first experience with the Strathmore gray toned paper, and because art shows tend to be busy, I chose a subject that allowed me to work in short spurts without losing focus. Loved small darker fibers in the paper, they add to the look of the finished sketch.
Before the light ~ black Faber-Castell PITT and white Gelli Roll pens on Strathmore toned gray paper, 6″ x 4″ [SOLD]
horse in a cave silhouette sketch
Gave Faber-Castell PITT pens one more try. A few years ago they seemed not to be dark enough, but things change with time, right? Not these ones, though… Ok, no big deal, I will stick with Derwent Graphik.
Silent auction at the Oregon City Festival of the Arts
This was the first time I participated at the silent auction at the event organized by the Three Rivers Artist Guild of which I am a happy mamber. All proceeds from the auction go to support the guild. Guess I missed the memo before, I do that regularly.
This year I gave this one to the auction:
Glad to help TRAG a little bit.
A sketch a day: conflicting needs of those with no hands ~ graphite pencil, 4″ x 6″
It’s a tough life for a horse when she needs to munch and scratch an itching knee but has only one set of teeth for everything.
A sketch a day: mountains ~ charcoal, pen and ink
The blacks are ink, all shades of gray are charcoal including grays over blacks. I hoped for a different result, but it’s just a small sketch, so not a big deal. I will get where I want with the next version.
A sketch a day: textures in colored pencil, with a horse
That’s my sketch on the go from earlier this week finished. I wanted to see how much texture could be built on Canson drawing paper with pencils only, without any other tools. To my surprise, the paper let be create quite a few nice subtle patterns. I especially like those crossing lines on the horse.
A sketch a day: storm
A somewhat failed experiment with charcoal on top of soft pastels – I was aiming for a little different, more dramatic look. Apparently a workable fixative is not capable of holding even a thin amount of pastel in place, and it keeps mixing with charcoal. I wonder what would work better?
A sketch a day: lichen
I started with lush lichen I saw here in Oregon during winter, but it ended looking like something that would be at home in the swamps of Florida. Sometimes non-committed sketching takes you to unexpected places.
Making friends with Zen Brush app
Zen Brush is a beautiful little app with only one step of undo and no way to save anything in its original format. No layers, the eraser is very primitive and does not help much, so best to leave it alone and pretend it’s not there at all. One black brush, two translucent gray brushes and an option to change the brush size. All brushes are round and look more and more like painting wet on wet as their sizes grow. That’s it. The app would be almost like a Zen board where your creating is gone forever unless you were quick enough to take a photo. Similarly, Zen Brush has an option to export the drawing as a PNG file.
Lovely thing for quick sketches.
A sketch a day: snow landscape
My first semi-serious attempt to do a more than a rudimentary sketch in ArtFlow app. You know what’s the best part of working in it? It saves all changes automatically and seemingly in real time, at least I haven’t lost anything yet. And I think if I ever hit the limit on the number of layers in the file it will be my phone’s fault, not the app’s.
A sketch a day: Frozen ~ pen and ink, graphite pencil on Canson drawing paper, 6″ x 4″
It started with a reference photo of majestic icicles which I managed to lose shortly after mapping some details in pencil. Not willing to dig through my huge and badly documented collections of shots taken over 15+ years, I decided to continue on my own and see where it ends. Somehow it ended in an abstract that has little to do with icicles or anything else of that kind, but it was fun to work through it without much commitment to the end result.
A sketch a day: horse head
Miscalculated where the horse should go on the piece of paper, but otherwise happy with the sketch. The subject was a beautiful chestnut, most likely a resident of the horse boarding facility across the street from our home in Cupertino, CA.
Forgotten flowers
It seems that the impending move to Oregon only leaves me time for quick sketches. My poor horse stays practically untouched since I defined main features of his face, several other serious drawings are also stuck at whatever stages they were when the decision was made.
Sorting out and getting rid of stuff (and now packing) is the exact opposite of fun, but sometimes nice discoveries happen. As I go through shelves of books I find all sorts of things in them: bookmarks made by kids, old postcards, images from copiers, and as of recently, dried flowers.
I am not even sure what kinds of flowers those are. They were very discolored, and as soon as I tied to remove them from a book promptly fell apart…
A sketch a day: at the beach
A joint effort of Corel Painter Mobile and Art Flow (both Android apps), with Painter carrying out most of it because it is so good at faking oil paints. I don’t like how real oils smell and how messy the entire process is, so digital looks like a nice alternative.
A sketch a day: grazing pony
Despite several amazing finds among drawing apps and all niceties they offer, I find myself again with a piece of paper and a graphite pencil. Must be a habit.