KALEID’s Rockin’ Stockings Show & Sale, 12/3/2010 till 12/30/2010

    6 of my small originals are a part of the Rockin’ Stockings Show & Sale at the KALEID gallery. All of them are matted, framed, and carry special pricing for the gift giving season:

    Pensive Moment - graphite pencil and charcoal on drawing paper, 4" x 6"
    Pensive Moment – graphite pencil and charcoal on drawing paper, 4″ x 6″
    Changing Colors - pastel pencil on drawing paper, 4 x 6
    Changing Colors – pastel pencil on drawing paper, 4 x 6
    With a Light Heart - charcoal on drawing paper, 4" x 6"
    With a Light Heart – charcoal on drawing paper, 4″ x 6″
    Dancing Light - colored pencil on drawing paper, 4" x 6"
    Dancing Light – colored pencil on drawing paper, 4″ x 6″
    Yelena Shabrova ~ Sleepy Creek ~ graphite pencil on drawing paper, 6" x 4"
    Sleepy Creek ~ graphite pencil on drawing paper, 6″ x 4″
    Yelena Shabrova ~ The Old Oak ~ charcoal on drawing paper, 4" x 6"
    The Old Oak ~ charcoal on drawing paper, 4″ x 6″

    The show opens on the First Friday, December 3rd, 7pm-9pm and continues through December 30th.

    All art can be taken home at the point of sale.

    KALEID Gallery
    88 South Fourth St. (at San Fernando)
    Downtown San Jose

    The full list of participating artists:

    Murphy Adams
    Shannon Amidon
    Tere Barbella
    Mariana Barnes
    Jessica Beerli
    Christine Benjamin
    Sandra Billingsley
    Mike Borja
    Lacey Bryant
    Keith Bunnell
    Tessa Cavazos
    Jean Davis
    Joe Decker
    Cari Ferraro
    Michael Foley
    Katie Gutierrez
    John Kurtyka
    Rene Lorraine
    Joshua Marcotte
    David Mejia
    Woody Miller
    Mariya Milovidova
    Gianfranco Paolozzi
    John Paulson
    Al Preciado
    Blaise Rosenthal
    Valerie Runningwolf
    Kurtis Rykovich
    San Jose Glass Artist Alliance
    Centa Schumacher
    Nora Schwaller
    Yelena Shabrova
    Kate Stewart
    Sara Tomasello
    Dorothy Whitman
    Kathleen Wolf
    Jeanne Yee