My two drawing have been juried into the latest art show at the Oregon Society of Artists. I know, neither one looks like it should be in this kind of a show, but any media that could be diluted with water was eligible, and my ink was 🙂
The show can be appreciated in person and online at https://www.osagallery.org/water-media-juried, whatever is more convenient to you!
Now, looking at all the amazing art in this show online, I feel like maybe I should pick up a brush and get lost in many shades of black ink again!
The online version of the show can be found here: https://www.osagallery.org/water-media-juried
Show dates:
March 4 – 24, 2021
Gallery location: 2185 SW Park Place, Portland, Oregon 97205 (directions)
Open: Monday – Friday, 1 – 4 p.m.