Juried into Water Media Spring Juried Show at OSA

My two drawing have been juried into the latest art show at the Oregon Society of Artists. I know, neither one looks like it should be in this kind of a show, but any media that could be diluted with water was eligible, and my ink was 🙂
The show can be appreciated in person and online at https://www.osagallery.org/water-media-juried, whatever is more convenient to you!
Now, looking at all the amazing art in this show online, I feel like maybe I should pick up a brush and get lost in many shades of black ink again!
The online version of the show can be found here: https://www.osagallery.org/water-media-juried
Show dates:
March 4 – 24, 2021
Gallery location: 2185 SW Park Place, Portland, Oregon 97205 (directions)
Open: Monday – Friday, 1 – 4 p.m.

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New Trees for the 6x6x6 art show at the Alberta Street Gallery

Dropped my new little trees at the Alberta Street Gallery today. They will be in the 6x6x6 Community Art Show along with many other 2D and 3D artworks by talented local artists.
Come and enjoy the show if you are in or close enough to the East Portland, there will be many little treasures to see and maybe take something home with you!
Show dates:
March 1 – 25, 2021
Gallery location: 1829 NE Alberta Street, Portland, Oregon (directions)
Open: daily, 11 am – 7 pm
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“On the Way III” in the “Portraits, Figures, and Selfies” show

“On the Way III” will be a part of the “Portraits, Figures, and Selfies” art show in the Oregon Society of Artists gallery.
The show will be held both in the gallery and online for those who don’t feel comfortable getting out during the pandemic.
Show dates:
February 4 – February 24, 2021 (February 4 – April 1 online)
Gallery location: 2185 SW Park Place, Portland, Oregon 97205 (directions)
Open: Monday – Friday 10 am – 4 pm, Saturday 1 – 4 pm
Stop by if you can, either in person or virtually!
Updated February 3rd, 2021
Online show is now up at https://www.osagallery.org/portrait-show
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6 x 6 x 6 show at the Alberta Street Gallery closed
Although the show was affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, the Alberta Street Gallery managed to sell 29 small artworks. One of them was my “Blossoms I.”

I am sure there would be more happy visitors and buyers if things were normal. The gallery is going to do the show again next year, and I can’t wait to be a part of it.