
    Yelena Shabrova ~ Pause ~ colored pencil, 5x7
    Yelena Shabrova ~ Pause ~ Lyra Rembrandt Polycolor colored pencil on Daler-Rowney card paper, 12 x 16 cm

    Got notified that my card for Twitter Art Exhibit 2019 safely arrived at Edinburgh, UK. Phew! I was so unbelievably late this year that I was not even sure it would make it in time for the opening night on May 11.

    For my artist friends who would like to participate next year, here is the TAE website: This year they support an Edinburgh based charity, Art in Healthcare, that organizes workshop programs for patients.

    Updated May 15, 2019

    Just got notified that my card has been sold! Yay!
    The live Twitter Art Exhibit is over, but their fundraising for Art in Healthcare continues at

    Updated May 16, 2019

    Updated May 26, 2019

    My little Jay that got sold at #TAE19 looks all pretty in its new happy home. Thank you for sharing the photo, Sharon! Great choice of frame! 

    “Improbable Dreams of a Tree” goes to the HIP 2B Square show

      Yelena Shabrova ~ Improbable Dreams of a Tree ~ colored pencil on primed wood panel, 12" x 12"
      Improbable Dreams of a Tree ~ colored pencil on primed wood panel, 12″ x 12″

      Delivered my latest drawing to the Sequoia Gallery today. It is for the HIP 2B Square show that benefits this nice and cozy cooperative gallery and its artist studios. The show opens on April 2nd with a reception and award announcements and runs through May 3.

      Sequoia Gallery is located at 136 SE 3rd Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97123. Hours: Tuesday – Saturday from 10 am – 5 pm.

      The gallery provided an option of a 12″ x 12″ Blick canvas or primed and cradled wood panel, and I chose the panel.

      After the fiasco with an Ampersand panel it was interesting to try something different. To my delight, the texture of the gessoed wooden surface was strong but pretty even and was almost as easy to work with as good textured paper. I will do more with it, just maybe without cradles. Not a big fan of working edges of those things.

      Updated on April 4, 2019

      Character for TAE 2018 – colored pencil, 12 x 16 cm

        Yelena Shabrova ~ Character ~ colored pencil, 12 x 16 cm
        Character ~ colored pencil, 12 x 16 cm

        Finally mailed my postcard art to the Twitter Art Exhibit (TAE) today. I blame Creatacolor pencils for the delay. It was my first time trying oil-based colored pencils, and as a Prismacolor/Derwent girl I found their behavior way too different.

        This year TAE helps an Australian charity, Pegasus Riding For The Disabled of ACT Inc., All proceeds from postcard art sales go to the charity. If you feel like helping out, the deadline for submissions is March 19, 2018:

        Updated on February 12, 2019

        Here is how “Character” came to be.

        Yelena Shabrova ~ Character ~ colored pencil, 12 x 16 cm

        Overlooked Beauty

          Yelena-Shabrova ~ Overlooked-Beauty ~ colored pencil on wood panel, 4" x 4"
          Overlooked-Beauty ~ colored pencil on wood panel, 4″ x 4″ ~ $45.00

          Lady’s smock (cuckoo flowers) are tiny and very unassuming when we walk past them or over them. Their beautiful purple, lilac, and whitish colors is about all that can be easily appreciated when they form a patch. I love shooting and drawing little things like these and then look closely at the shapes, lines, and colors that make them up and draw it all bigger than in real life.

          This was my first attempt to use colored pencils on wood and do a three-dimensional piece. While it was an interesting experience spreading a drawing over more than one plane I think I will stick to my usual two dimensions. But I do want to continue experimenting with drawing on wood. It adds a unique glow that shines through pencilwork and makes it look quite different. I like that.

          As it turned out, I need to be careful placing strokes over wood; the same color will look differently as wooden textures change over the board, as strokes are laid along the fibers, across them, or at an angle. And forget about scanning the finished piece. A lot of fine color details get lost along with the wonderful glowing effect of the wood.

          The original is available in my Colored Pencil online gallery for $45.00

          Glowing mountains – miniature

            I have so many pieces in progress that each one seems to be a never ending drawing journey. It’s good to switch gears between subjects and media all the time, but at the same time I would really love to finish at least something already. So, a something finally got finished:

            The original is available in my Miniatures online gallery for $35.00


              Outburst - 6

              Outburst – 6″ x 9″, colored pencil on drawing paper

              Well, was it a strange journey with this one or what. Never worked on such a moody piece, but I think I like how it turned out.


                Fortitude – 9″ x 6″, colored pencil on drawing paper

                “Fortitude” is an ode to the plant that grows in our patio. I can never remember what it is called. But whatever it is, it survived a serious frostbite last winter, had to be completely chopped out, and in a few months came back as lush and healthy as ever. Right now this plant with an unmemorizable name is taking over the patio despite the heat. I keep hoping that it will stop on its own and I won’t have to trim it. It would be difficult to decide which parts to take away.

                Finished another big piece in colored pencil

                Yelena Shabrova ~ Plum Blossoms in Los Gatos Creek Park - colored pencil on Bristol paper, 16" x 20"

                  Yelena Shabrova ~ Plum Blossoms in Los Gatos Creek Park - colored pencil on Bristol paper, 16" x 20"
                  Plum Blossoms in Los Gatos Creek Park – colored pencil on Bristol paper, 16″ x 20″

                  Plum Blossoms in Los Gatos Creek Park – 16″ x 20″, colored pencil on Bristol paper

                  I still consider 16″ x 20″ to be pretty big. Reference photos for this piece were taken more than seven years ago when my kids were much younger and often went to that park. The path along the creek is beautiful at all seasons.