Artist trading card exchange at CAG – fall 2014

    As usual, the ATC exchange at CAG today was a lot of fun. Here are my contributions to the event:

    Yelena Shabrova ~ rocks in the mist - ATC ~ colored pencil, 2.5" x 3.5"
    rocks in the mist – ATC ~ colored pencil, 2.5″ x 3.5″

    Yelena Shabrova ~ last leaves - ATC ~ colored pencil, 2.5" x 3.5"
    last leaves – ATC ~ colored pencil, 2.5″ x 3.5″

    Yelena Shabrova ~ marsh after sunset - ATC ~ colored pencil, 3.5" x 2.5"
    marsh after sunset – ATC ~ colored pencil, 3.5″ x 2.5″

    Yelena Shabrova ~ sunset - ATC ~ colored pencil, 3.5" x 2.5"
    sunset – ATC ~ colored pencil, 3.5″ x 2.5″

    I love how the fall edition of the ATC exchange happens around my Birthday. This year it’s on a day before, so I got four early Birthday gifts:

    Dianne Daly ~ Persimmons in the Snow ~ watercolor
    Dianne Daly ~ Persimmons in the Snow ~ watercolor

    Dianne Daly ~ Persimmon ~ watercolor
    Dianne Daly ~ Persimmon ~ watercolor

    Gudrun Baumeister ~ Teachers Apple ~ watercolor
    Gudrun Baumeister ~ Teachers Apple ~ watercolor

    Karen Franzenburg ~ oil pastel
    Karen Franzenburg ~ oil pastel

    After the Rain (miniature)

      Yelena Shabrova ~ After the Rain (Miniature) ~ Derwent colored pencil on canvas, 3.5" x 2.5"
      Derwent colored pencil on canvas, 3.5″ x 2.5″

      Here is my newest tiny digital canvas. I haven’t done any for a few months and completely forgot my past experience with colored pencil on this kind of surface. It is a bit slippery and does not allow to build up really dark darks unless you carefully plan for them from the beginning and use very sharp pencils all the time. Unlike with paper or traditional linen canvas it is not possible to start with lighter colors everywhere and then go darker in as many layers as necessary. Darker colors on a digital canvas start to chip off relatively quickly if you are not careful.

      So with a refreshed memory, I am now going to use digital canvas with soft graphite pencils only and leave colors to linen ones. Or maybe it’s worth trying to gesso a digital canvas and see if it becomes more tolerant to dark colored pencils.

      The original miniature ($35.00) is available in my Miniatures online gallery.

      A sketch a day: striped sunset

        Yelena Shabrova ~ A sketch a day: striped sunset  ~ ink and Koh-I-Noor oil chalks, 6" x 4"
        A sketch a day: striped sunset ~ ink and Koh-I-Noor oil chalks, 6″ x 4″

        I had a different look and feel in mind when I started this sketch, and to add to that I grabbed some odd oil chalks (not even sure what that might be, it feels like something between a wax based colored pencil and an oil pastel stick) instead of normal pastels for coloring. The result is a complete accident.

        White Fantasy

          This is my latest miniature partly inspired by a very cold and snowy winter of 2011-2012 and partly made because right now here in California it’s overly warm and sunny even by local standards. In the process of bringing winter closer to me I found out that a digital canvas can take a fair amount of scraping with x-acto knife which is pretty convenient for putting snow over heavily darkened areas.

          The original is available in my Miniatures online gallery for $35.00

          Glowing mountains – miniature

            I have so many pieces in progress that each one seems to be a never ending drawing journey. It’s good to switch gears between subjects and media all the time, but at the same time I would really love to finish at least something already. So, a something finally got finished:

            The original is available in my Miniatures online gallery for $35.00