Damascus Open Studios 2024

    Eight artists in the Damascus, OR area will be opening their studios to the public during the 3rd weekend in May. Three of them are new to the event! At each studio stop you will meet talented artists, get to talk to them about their process, see how they create their pieces, and will have an opportunity to buy their art.

    22 artists participate in this event with fine jewelry, ceramics, glass, wood, mixed media, fiber, and more.

    Visit all the studios to be eligible to enter a drawing for a $100 gift certificate that you can use with any participating artist. Pick up a postcard from the first stop you make (or bring one with you if you have one) and get a stamp from each studio. Turn it in with your name and email address at the last stop, and you’ll be entered to win!

    More information is available at the  Damascus Open Studios website, with frequent updates on Facebook and Instagram.

    Damascus Open Studios 2022

      Visit artists’ studios in and around Damascus on May 20, 21 & 22, from 10 am till 5 pm each day!

      Once again, I will be a guest artist at Brenda Scott‘s Muddy Fish Studio with another guest artist being Cheri Bosserman of Jewelry Art 4 U. Brenda makes wonderful wood-fired pottery, and Cheri creates unique jewelry with gemstones and silver.

      Brenda’s studio is #1. See the map with all 6 open studios on the Damascus Open Studios website or on Google Maps.

      Visit all six studios to win a $100 gift certificate to be used to purchase art from any of this year’s participating artists.  You can see all artists and their creations at damascusopenstudios.com.

      See you there!

      Damascus Open Studios Tour 2019

        I will be participating in the Damascus Open Studios Tour May 17, 18, and 19, from 10 am till 5 pm each day.

        Local artists and their guests will show awesome and diverse art in 6 studios in and around Damascus. You can find the map of the entire tour with all details here: https://damascusopenstudios.com/studio-map/.  This is a wonderful opportunity to see how art is being created and talk to the artists.

        Talented clay artist Brenda Scott will host me and a fine jewelry designer, Cheri Bosserman, at the studio #6 (25251 SE Bohna Park Rd, Damascus, OR 97089).

        Stop by to see my original drawings, giclee prints, and greeting cards!

        Updated May 20, 2019

        A big thank you to to everyone who came to see my art and beautiful creations of my fellow artists Brenda Scott and Cheri Bosserman this past weekend. The Damascus Open Studios were great. Wonderful company, lots of good talks, and many sales. Could not ask for more!