Gave Faber-Castell PITT pens one more try. A few years ago they seemed not to be dark enough, but things change with time, right? Not these ones, though… Ok, no big deal, I will stick with Derwent Graphik.

Gave Faber-Castell PITT pens one more try. A few years ago they seemed not to be dark enough, but things change with time, right? Not these ones, though… Ok, no big deal, I will stick with Derwent Graphik.
Just let the pencils have their way with the paper to take the mind off a rather detailed pieces I work on. Not sure if the result qualifies for an abstract since there is definitely a figure in it.
Long time ago I was asked for a commission of a black cat, but the reference photo provided consisted mostly of beautiful amber eyes and some very dark blobs that suggested the cat surely was somewhere there in the almost black surrounding. I could not even guess the rest of his face, so asked for a better photo and never heard back. But what was not good enough for a commission once, could work for my own amusement. This is a different cat, and I am not sure how so much of it besides the eyes got into the sketch. It was not planned for.
colored pencil on colored paper, 6″ x 4″