Excuse me while I gloat real quick over here. These are 287 lightly used Koh-I-Noor Hardtmuth Polycolor pencils I’ve got today from the ever awesome I’ve Been Framed store in East Portland (https://www.ivebeenframedpdx.com/, @ivebnframed), lovingly packed and adorned with a ribbon. Prairie, the store owner, is this wonderful, and the tin was free because reasons. It’s literally a colored pencil bouquet. The cost per pencil is a small fraction of a brand new one practically anywhere, so it’s a birthday and a Christmas rolled into one and such an awesome hoard that I still cant’ believe my luck.
It started at a very reasonable $1/pencil public announcement, then I found out nobody has snatched the whole lot yet which is unbelievable as I am always late to the party, then because I was taking everything the price became a joke. I tried to give the store more money. They declined on the grounds of me being a loyal customer. Go figure. Deep down I feel like I’ve committed a daylight robbery, but my grabby hands are so very happy!