Dream Beyond COVID Exhibition

    Mixed media artwork, tinted pieces of tracing paper with pen an black ink drawings of flying birds, a bare tree, and a landscape placed on a paper collage made with old book pages and torn tissue paper of warm earthy and green colors

    Mixed media artwork, tinted pieces of tracing paper with pen an black ink drawings of leaves, bare a tree, and mountains placed on a paper collage made with old book pages and torn tissue paper of warm earthy and green colors

    “Piecing It All Together” I and II have been juried into the “Dream Beyond COVID Exhibition” organized by the Wilsonville Arts & Culture Council. The exhibition will be held online at https://www.wilsonvillearts.org/current-exhibition.

    All artworks are available for sale at https://www.wilsonvillearts.org/shop.

    It’s a very nice collection of local art, see if something speaks to you!